Understanding Tiredness and Calorie Deficit

Tired person laying on a bed

Tiredness is a common phenomenon experienced by people due to various reasons, such as physical or mental exhaustion, lack of sleep, or stress. While a calorie deficit, on the other hand, refers to the condition when the amount of calories consumed is less than the number of calories burned. This article will dive into the relationship between tiredness and calorie deficit and how it affects the human body.

How Calorie Deficit Impacts Energy Levels

A calorie deficit can cause a decline in energy levels as the body doesn't receive the required energy from food. This can lead to feelings of tiredness and fatigue. The body needs a sufficient amount of calories to function correctly. When it doesn't receive enough, it begins to conserve energy by slowing down the metabolism and reducing physical activity.

How Tiredness Affects Caloric Intake

Feeling tired can also impact caloric intake, leading to overeating or skipping meals. Tiredness can cause an increase in cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods, leading to weight gain and decreased energy levels. On the other hand, skipping meals can cause the body to enter into a state of starvation, causing a drop in energy levels and leading to tiredness.

The Impact of a Calorie Deficit on Exercise Performance

Not only can a calorie deficit impact your energy levels during daily activities, but it can also impact your performance during exercise. When you are in a calorie deficit, your body may not have the energy it needs to perform at its best during a workout. This can lead to decreased endurance, decreased strength, and a decreased ability to build muscle.


In conclusion, tiredness and calorie deficit are interconnected and can impact each other. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep prevent the cycle of fatigue and calorie deficit from spiraling out of control. By understanding the relationship between the two, individuals can take proactive steps to ensure that they maintain optimal energy levels and avoid feelings of tiredness.

Written by Elizabeth Liezel Elizabeth Liezel is a personal trainer and fitness instructor with a Ph.D. in Human Performance from Middle Tennessee State University.

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